V1B Water Leakage Issue
Dear residents,
We have received complaints regarding water leakage problem at V1B. RV has looked into this issue and it is caused by overflowing of water from the tank. A maintenance report has been submitted and the source is now resolved. Residents are reminded to stay calm and safe.
Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Thank you.
Do visit us at:
1) Facebook Page: Residential College Support Unit - RCSU UTP
Or email us at
2) utprcsu@gmail.com
Residential College Support Unit,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
#RVUTP #WeCareForYou #RCSU
We have received complaints regarding water leakage problem at V1B. RV has looked into this issue and it is caused by overflowing of water from the tank. A maintenance report has been submitted and the source is now resolved. Residents are reminded to stay calm and safe.
Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Thank you.
Do visit us at:
1) Facebook Page: Residential College Support Unit - RCSU UTP
Or email us at
2) utprcsu@gmail.com
Residential College Support Unit,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
#RVUTP #WeCareForYou #RCSU