Good Luck UTPians For Your Final Exam

Credit to Abdul Majid Ia Rcsu

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

All the best to the UTP students for the upcoming final exam.
Avoid last minute study & manage your time well.
Study smart, take an enough rest, pray hard.

"And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves who rely (upon Him)". [3:159]

Some advices to be shared:
1) Manage your time well and never skip your meal & your sleep time.
2) Avoid last minute study.
3) Create your simple pocket notes & keep them with you every time & everywhere.
4) Keep doing the exercises to make you understand better.
5) Avoid memorizing because you will become more stress if your forget during exam.
6) Keep your body healthy.
7) Don't be over confident. Avoid carelessness and be calm in answering the questions.
8) Prepare your stationery early.
9) Tawakal & pray to Allah for your efforts. But wait!!! Put your effort first. :)

Hope everyone will do the best for your final exam papers. Good luck!!
