Misuse Of Village Facilities

Dear students,

There have been two cases of improper conduct by residents in hostels now. First, reported by a student on 1st April at UTP Community, of burning paper in the corridor at V3A and now, on 7th April, where there was an abuse of the fire extinguisher at V6 Propana.

We do not condone such irresponsible acts and would therefore encourage any student with information regarding these instances to report it immediately.

Thank you.

Do visit us at:
1) RCSU UTP Facebook page
2) www.utprcsu.blogspot.com
Or email us at:
3) utprcsu@gmail.com

Ahmad Muaz bin Che Mansor
Residential College Support Unit 2017/18
#RVUTP #WeCareForYou #RCSU
