Residential College Outstanding Achievement and Recognition (ROAR)

         In 2016, UTP RCSU proposed to organise Residential College Outstanding Achievement and Recognition (ROAR 2016).  The event, which was previously named Malam Anugerah Kolej Kediaman (MAKK), is rebranded in order to create awareness and involvement from all residential members including international students. There will be 13 awards nominated for the students, staffs, premises and cafes in UTP during the event. Each year, improvements and changes are made such as revised methods of evaluation and new categories.

       The vision for ROAR is to serve as a platform for preparing a well-rounded campus community. The main goal is to assist the Residential College in finding the role model for nurturing a community of excellence in academics, personality and achievement. In addition, these awards give a good impact on the winners' resumé. This event also aims to award the support service providers such as RV staff and café operators. 


  • To recognise residential members of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS for their outstanding performance so as to be the leader and role model to others.
  • To express appreciation of contribution to all parties involved with Residential College activities.
  • To create awareness  to all residential members to take care of the Residential College as well as creating a sense of belonging to the campus.
  • To celebrate the achievement of students and improve students experience while living on campus.
  • To enhance student’s resume.
  • To encourage student's involvement in corporate social responsibilities. 
  • To act as a platform to introduce UTP RCSU and its relevance to the students.